Resources > IT Strategy
IT Strategy
The following goals are a summary of the TIEC recommended report in regard to the IT Strategy. In addition to the below ones, cost-effectiveness, serviceability, reliability and adhering to local and international technology utilization standards, like copy writes, will be core to the planning process for the department.
  • Respect and advance Saudi cultural values in a changing learning environment by gender separation while applying collaborative technologies and by content filtering.
  • Provide students with a superior technology infrastructure that will equip them with the technology skills to function in current and emerging work environments by enabling mobility and online services while maintaining data availability, integrity and security.
  • Provide faculty with the superior technology infrastructure that enables them to excel in the delivery of effective instruction by meeting goal number 2 for the faculty and by equipping the classrooms and labs with the suitable technology to facilitate the learning experience.
  • Provide administrators with a cost effective, flexible, reliable, and secure IT environment that meets the business needs of the university by fulfilling the above goals.
  • Provide technology tools to facilitate effective student support services by using collaborative services and by applying more online services and by establishing technical support center for each gender.
  • Provide an IT governance structure that includes university faculty, students, and staff, as well as industry in a collaborative environment by documenting best practice policies and encourage participative planning.

The ultimate goal of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University is to enable a learning-centered environment that is both effective and rewarding.
In order to accommodate this noteworthy goal, the vision of the university's Information Technology Department is to provide state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies that support the diverse needs of our students, faculty and staff.

The Information Technology Department provides support in the following key areas:
  • Student Technology A variety of technological tools are in the process of being provided to students including e-mail, internet, wireless access, and availability of computer lounges within both the male and female campuses.
  • Classroom Technology  Automated learning aids are available in each of PMU's many classrooms and include video conferencing, Interactive Boards, and automated teaching systems supported by advanced learning applications.
  • Library Information System: Upon completion of our Learning Resource Center (LRC), an integrated library automation system will be available to students in order to access an extensive library collection.
  • Management Information System: Our MIS system enables faculty and staff to provide quality support to students in the areas of registration, finance, human resources, course management and general student information. This world leading application called Banner from SunGard, is being implemented to be an easy web-based self service. In addition, the course management system is being administered by the world leading Blackboard application which is being used as an educational instrument to have the interaction of the students and the instructors. It is accessible over the LAN and from any internet access point.
  • Information Technology Infrastructure: A dedicated team of IT specialists provide network and communications support, hardware maintenance, web design, and help desk services. Information Technology Department formed a Technical Support Center in both campuses (Male and Female) to serve more our end-users especially students.

Support Provided

Guidance / Support Received

The suggested organization chart for this Service Oriented Organization is as follows;

In summary, the report covers the achievement that the department has scored till now.
  • In the infrastructure, we are completing male campus, administration, cafeteria, sport center and the auditorium infrastructure.
  • Upgrading the internet bandwidth to 12MB
  • Completing the MIS project for Banner Students and the Banner Portal part.
  • Implementing the Library Management System based on RFID technology for books tracking. This includes the subscription to a number of online databases and academic references.
  • Redesigning the web page to its 3rd version.
  • Completed the smart classrooms setup in both campuses.
  • Completed the datacenter upgrade for the main systems.
  • Starting the infrastructure design for the village project
  • Completed 6 English labs, 2 Math Labs and in the process of finishing the Design Labs and the Science labs
  • Preparing the IT requirements for the new academic year which includes the IT tools for the new faculty, renewing the used software and appellations and all of the only subscriptions.