Resources > Facilities > Deparments > Housing Deparment > Statement of Policy
Statement of Policy
  1. Residential Community Rules

    1. As PMU compounds and residential premises reflect the PMU community image, it is expected that all residents and their families contribute to building a friendly, multicultural high standard living environment.
    2. Residents are expected to respect the widely multicultural environment of the residential compounds of PMU.
    3. Residents are expected to comply with the general rules of the residential community with respect to other residents’ right to privacy and to a pleasant and safe living environment.
    4. Residents are always expected to comply with all safety and security regulations. actions and conduct that cause threat to the safety and security of the residential community will be considered as major violations and appropriate measure will be implemented accordingly.
    5. Residents are expected to ensure that their children of all age comply with all the compound/residential premises’ regulations and that children under the age of 10 are always under adult supervision. It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that the children respect the general rules stipulated in the respective section of these rules and regulations.
    6. Residents are expected to use the common facilities in a way that safeguards the strict rules of hygiene and safety.
    7. Residents are expected to contribute to building a peaceful residential community. Extreme noises causing irritation to other residents are to be avoided. Such noises include loud music and TV, continuous loud voices, loud playing, noisy moving of furniture and maintenance work at odd times. Notices will be issued for repeated complaints of such kind and appropriate measures shall be taken against residents causing continuous inconvenience to other residents.
    8. Residents must respect the rules and regulations of the country.
  2. Condition of the Housing Premises and Public Areas

    1. Cleanliness of the entrance, windows, doors, balconies and surrounding areas of the allocated unit is the sole responsibility of the resident. Notices will be issued to residents whose unit’s uncleanness affects the overall esthetic aspect of the compound/Residential premises.
    2. Relocation of furniture and appliances outside the assigned unit is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to notify the housing management to provide the proper support, documentation and action.
    3. Any damage in the assigned unit or its furniture must be reported immediately by the tenant to the Housing Department for proper action. The Housing Department will take the necessary precautions to correct the situation and has the right to prioritize the requests of residents by order of urgency. Any danger arising from unreported damage will be the responsibility of the tenant.
    4. Repeated damage resulting from negligence or improper use by resident or dependents within the housing unit or in a common area will be reported as an official violation and the resident will be notified officially. Repairs or replacement charges will be borne by the resident in such cases and notices of vandalism.
    5. Major modifications to the units are not allowed. Such modifications include changes that affect the esthetic standards and overall exteriors of the compound or other housing premises.
    6. Each unit is provided with indoor furnishing.
    7. Hanging clothes in visible areas are not allowed. Notices will be issued to resident committing such violations.
    8. Stacking old or unused appliances, furniture, personal belongings, bicycles or junk in visible areas and housing unit entrance is not allowed. Notices will be issued to resident committing such violations.
  3. Use of Common Facilities

    1. Common facilities are made available for the convenience of all residents. Therefore the right to use common facilities is equally available to all tenants. The housing management shall not allow continuous reservations of common halls, gyms, pools, or other recreational premises.
    2. Common facilities may not be used for lucrative events under any circumstances. Tenants found abusing compound facilities for benefit will be notified of immediate termination of occupancy.
    3. Common facilities are for the use of residents only. Residents found facilitating the use of compound premises for the benefit of external parties will be notified of immediate termination of occupancy.
    4. Common facilities are for adult use or “’under adult supervision’” use only. Children are not allowed in halls, gyms, pools and playgrounds without direct supervision of an adult.
    5. Since common facilities are made available for specific purposes, it is expected that use of those facilities is made with appropriate and relevant dress codes. Residents are expected to use the facilities as follows:
      1. Swimwear only at swimming pools, with pool footwear or slippers only
      2. Training and sports suits only at gyms and sports facilities, with sports shoes only
      3. Street clothes and shoes only (not home wear and shoes) in common areas, halls and multipurpose rooms.
      4. Formal clothes for formal functions.
    6. Residents are not allowed to use common facilities when restriction of usage signs are up such as “reserved”, “under construction”, “closed for maintenance”. Notices will be issued for violations of restriction of usage instructions.
  4. Guests, Visitors, Domestic Workers

    1. Residents must inform the Compound Security Office about their expected visitors prior to their arrival. Visitors are expected to provide ID (IQAMA, national ID for security purposes and may be asked to leave their IDs at the gate for a visitors Pass. Unlisted visitors will not be allowed in the residential premises.
    2. Visitors must be informed that security measures may be stricter at certain times and all residents and individuals are expected to comply with security instructions.
    3. Visitors are always expected to observe the compound rules and regulations  during their presence in the residential premises. Any misconduct/violations will be under the responsibility of the hosting resident.
    4. Visitors may not be left unattended in the public areas of the compound or other residential premises. Compound and security staff may question unattended visitors particularly at suspected times
    5. Guests’ and residents’ children are not allowed out in common areas, streets and playgrounds after 9:00 pm.
    6. Teenage visitors and such related outdoor gatherings are not allowed out after 10:00 pm.
    7. Domestic workers have to be identified by the resident to the security office of the compound. Workers shall be given permission to enter the compound at specific days and times. Generally working hours acceptable for external workers to enter the compounds are 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.
  5. Children

    1. Residents are expected to ensure that their children of all age comply with all the compound/residential premises’ regulations and respect the general rules stipulated in this section of these rules and regulations.
    2. Children under the age of 10 must be under adult supervision at all times. It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that their children and those of their guests are always attended. Any danger, damage, harm or injury caused by unsupervised children activity is the sole responsibility of the resident.
    3. For safety and convenience to other residents, children are not allowed out after 9:00 pm.
    4. Excessive shouting and noisy playing is prohibited. Repeated nuisance of such kind will result in a notice to the resident.
    5. Resident should also observe that their children are dressed appropriately for the functions and public/play areas for safety and hygiene reasons:
      1. Swimwear only at swimming pools, with pool footwear or slippers only
      2. Training and sports suits only at playground and sports facilities, with sports shoes only
      3. Street clothes and shoes only (not home wear and shoes) in common areas, halls and multipurpose rooms.
    6. Residents shall receive notices of vandalism when children have repeatedly caused damage to property
    7. Residents shall receive appropriate warning when children have repeatedly caused injury to others.
  6. Functions

    1. A function is any event hosted by one or more tenants that involves more than 7 guests at one time (internal or external).
    2. Social functions are supported by the housing department and support services. However, functions are only allowed with appropriate notices, reservations and compliance to functions rules.
    3. Al list of the guests must be handed to the housing management and only names listed will be allowed into the compound premises.
    4. Functions within the residential unit are to be announced to the compound management for appropriate measures described in the visitors section of the present rules.
    5. Functions using common facilities have to go through prior reservation of the facility with a payment of a preventive deposit. The facility may be used at the reserved times only.
    6. The condition of the facility is at the sole responsibility of the hosting resident. Any repairs or housekeeping services needed after the functions will be done at the expense of the hosting resident.
    7. The conduct of the guests is the responsibility of the hosting resident. Any misconduct violating the residential community rules may result in immediate cancellation of the function.
    8. Functions may not be left unattended by the hosting resident. Unattended functions will be stopped immediately.
    9. Functions causing reported nuisance to other residents may be stopped at the discretion of the compound management.
    10. Functions at the pools are the responsibility of the hosting resident. However, the pool area may not be reserved for one resident.
  7. Maintenance

    1. Maintenance request are to be made to housing services via email.
    2. Urgent repairs may be requested in person from the compound management staff, however, completion email should be sent subsequently for reporting purposes.
    3. Preventive measures are the responsibility of the resident. All lightings, cooking stoves, water heaters and other electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use. Proper and safe usage of these appliances shall be the resident’s responsibility.
    4. Any damage in the assigned unit or its furniture must be reported immediately by the tenant to the Housing Department for proper action. The Housing Department will take the necessary precautions to correct the situation and has the right to prioritize the requests of residents by order of urgency. Any danger arising from unreported damage will be the responsibility of the resident.
    5. Repeated damage resulting from negligence or improper use will be reported as an official violation and the tenant will be notified officially. Repairs or replacement charges will be borne by the resident in such cases.
    6. The Housing Department is not responsible for any satellite maintenance and problems. Satellite issues are only dealt with during the first week of occupancy.
  8. Littering

    1. Littering, tossing, or scattering of any material such as ashes, garbage, paper, dust or waste into, or upon any streets or public areas, common facilities, vacant units, air shafts, backyards, main court, or alleys is illegal and strictly prohibited and considered a serious violation of the residential community regulations.
    2. Children littering in the compound premises are the responsibility of the accompanying adult. Children found unattended in public areas shall be considered a violation of the housing premises rules and regulations.
    3. Residents are required to place their trash in a securely sealed plastic garbage bags then into their designated garbage bins to be picked up by a compactor truck. When a garbage pickup schedule is announced all residents must comply with the announced schedule and any of its changes.
    4. Residents should not throw food waste into sink or drainage.
    5. Residents are cautioned against excessive use of water during cleaning for environmental purposes as well inconvenience caused to other residents. Notice of excessive waste of water will be issued for repeated incidents.
    6. Avoid huge amount of water when cleaning the balcony, it will affect for the lower apartment.
    7. Stacking old unused furniture or junk in visible areas is not allowed. Proper disposal of such materials should be arranged. Notices will be issued to resident committing such violations.
    8. Residents found violating the above rules will be charged the appropriate fine as outlined in the fines table in this policy.
  9. Pets/Stray Animals

    1. Residents who are pet-owners are fully responsible for ensuring that their pets do not cause danger or nuisance to other residents.
    2. Pet owners are expected to promptly clean up any waste caused by their pets.
    3. Pet owners are responsible for any complaint against their pets made by other residents. Repeated complaints from different residents may result in a request to expel the animal from the compound/residential premises.
    4. In case of physical harm (bite or scratch) caused by pets, the pet owner will be responsible of all the medical expenses incurred by the victim and may be requested to keep the animal outside the compound/residential premises.
    5. For safety and hygiene reasons, residents are not allowed to feed stray cats or dogs within the residential compound. All stray animals should be reported to the compound management immediately and the compound management will take the necessary measures to remove stray animals from the residential premises.
    6. The present provisions do not apply to guide dogs.
  10. Vehicles, Traffic and Parking Spaces

    1. All vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas only.
    2. Each housing unit is assigned a garage or designated parking for one vehicle.
    3. All other parking areas are assigned for the guests/visitors.
    4. Residents are responsible to ensure that guests/visitors park only in “guest spaces” and not in others housing units designated parking areas.
    5. It is strictly prohibited to change vehicle oil/fluids or installation and repairs of vehicles that would require oil or fluids inside the compound/residential premises.
    6. Driving speed is monitored within the compounds. Fines will be issued tor residents exceeding speed limits.
    7. Driving in wrong directions is a violation of traffic rules and fines will be issued to residents found in violation of this traffic rule.
    8. Guests, drivers and dependents are under the responsibility of the resident. Any traffic or parking violation or nuisance will be put on the records of the resident.
    9. Honking horns is prohibited unless to prevent a danger. This includes drivers of cars and private school buses.
    10. Running vehicle engines in parking areas for longer than 10 minutes is strictly prohibited.
    11. Driving lessons of any kind are strictly prohibited within the compound premises.
  11. Notices, Warnings and Fines/Repairs and Indemnity and Termination of Occupancy

    1. Notices are letters of incompliance to general housing rules and regulations issued by the housing department to the resident
    2. Warnings are letters of caution issued to a resident by the HR department after 3 consecutive notices from the housing department or after a violation of safety, acts of vandalism or abuse of the compound premises
    3. Fines are issued for traffic violations or damage requiring repairs, cleaning or damage to the overall exterior of the compound or housing premises. Fines vary from SAR 500 for minor violations to SAR 1000 for more serious ones. Repairs resulting from vandalism or repeated damage of property will be calculated and completely borne by the resident.
    4. Termination of occupancy is a decision issued by Faculty Affairs/HR after 3 consecutive warnings and at the assessment of a serious misconduct causing damage or danger to the residential community as well as an attitude of repeated noncompliance to the housing rules and regulations.

Type of Action to incompliance Type of Violations Issuing Department Special provisions
1 Notice Incompliance to general rules that do not cause threat to the community Housing Department
2 Warning Letter   Incompliance to rules and actions deemed causing threat to the residential community and to PMU
The instance of compiling 3 notices from the housing department
Human Resources
3 Fine Traffic, parking violations
Inappropriate littering
Security for traffic and parking and Budgeting and Accounting for other violations after a report provided by the Housing Department
4 Repairs/Indemnity   *Repeated incidents of misuse of equipment or facility
* Changes affecting the exterior and esthetic aspect of the compound/residential facility
* Acts of vandalism
* Indemnity for physical harm
Budgeting and Accounting after a report provided by the Housing Department
5 Termination of Occupancy   * Acts causing serious threats the community
* Flagrant misconduct
*The instance of compiling 3 warnings from HR
Faculty Affairs/HR


These rules and regulation are incorporated into and made a part of the previous resident agreement between residents and PMU Housing Department concerning the premises commonly known and reference to as


  1. Littering, tossing or scattering of any material such as ashes, garbage, paper, dust or waste into, or upon any streets or public areas, vacant units, airshafts, backyards, main court, or alleys is illegal prohibited. Throwing garbage out of windows (i.e., buildings or vehicles) is considered as violation.
  2. Residents are required and must place their trash in a sealed plastic bag then into their designated garbage bins to be picked up by a compactor truck.
  3. Residents should avoid throwing any oil or food waste into sink or drainage.
  4. Throwing tissues into toilet bowl is strictly prohibited.
  5. Avoid huge amount of water when cleaning the balcony, it will affect for the lower apartment.
  6. Residents found violating the above rules will charged for SAR 500 as a fine.

Pets/Stray Animals

  1. Residents who are pet-owners are fully responsible for ensuring that their pets do not create nuisance and must promptly clean up any waste caused by their pets.
  2. Pet-owners are responsible for any residents complain regarding their pets. In case of any bodily harm (bite or scratch) caused by pets, the pet owner will be responsible of all the medical expenses incurred by the complainant. The provisions of this law do not apply to a guide dog accompanying any blind persons.
  3. Residents are not allowed to feed stray cats or dogs within the residential compound. All stray animals should be reported to compound management immediately.

Designated Parking Spaces

  1. Each villa has a garage or designated parking for one vehicle. All other parking is assigned for guests/visitors. All vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas only.
  2. Be sure your guests/visitors park only in “guest spaces” and not in others designated parking area.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to change vehicle oil/fluids or installation and repairs of vehicles that would require oil or fluids.
  4. No resident may allow anyone under his/her care (agent, dependent or employee) to commit any violation. The committed violation will be put on the records as the residents

Condition of Premises

  1. Relocation of furniture and appliances is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to notify the housing management to provide the proper documentation and action.
  2. Avoid making noise when moving any furniture to avoid complaint from the other tenant.
  3. Any furniture of property damaged must be reported immediately to the Housing Department.
  4. Residents are responsible for any damage resulting from improper use and possible abuse. In this case the Housing Department will estimate any due charges for deduction from the residents’ salaries or compensations if they exist, otherwise residents shall then settle such charges upon University demand


  1. Residents must inform the Compound Security Office about the their expected visitors prior to the arrival of the visitors and must provide the IDs. (such as IQAMA, IDs for safety)
  2. Residents will be held responsible for their visitors to observe the Housing Rules & Regulations.
  3. Occupants shall not allow visitors to stay overnight in the compound/Building for more than two consecutive days without prior permission from the Housing Department.
  4.  Occupants shall not leave their visitors unattended in the public areas of the compound/Building.


  1. All air-conditions, lightings, cooking stoves water heaters and other electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use. Proper and safe usage of these appliances shall be occupant’s responsibility.
  2. The occupant must inform the Housing Department for any required repairs and maintenance by submitting a maintenance request form.
  3. For urgent repairs, the occupant must contact the Security Office at once for immediate action.
  4.  After housing maintenance services, the tenant must sign the form for maintenance services for housing files.
  5. Residents are responsible if the upkeep of the appliances and furniture in their units. Replacement of broken or damaged furniture should be at their own expenses, Maintenance team will responsible only for repair tasks.
  6. Housing Department is not responsible for any satellite problem. Housing fixed the satellite issues before he/she received the key for apartment.