PMU Press > Monograph/Book Submission Form
Monograph/Book Submission Form

Title of your book  
Your Name  
Your current title and position  
Contact Information  
Copyright Information 
Date of Birth
Legal Address  
Fax Number
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Educational Background

Research History (Research, Patents, Publications etc.)

Previous Books (If applicable)

Affiliations (Other biographical information you may need to add)

Photos (Optional)

About the momograph (Book)

Description (In describing your monograph, please cover these areas: SUBJECT, CONTENTS, SCOPE, and INTENT. What makes your monograph unique? Does it fill any special needs?).

What does the title of your book/monograph mean?

Audience (Who are the readers of this book?).

Competition with other books
Please provide titles of recently published books that are comparable with yours.
What makes your book different?

Promoting Your Book

What media resources would you consider to promote your book (Newspaper, Magazines etc.).
Mailing lists (Please list the associations, professional groups and industrial concerns whose mailing lists may be useful in promoting your book.)

Electronic Promotion (Please list any electronic news groups or discussion lists appropriate for posting information about your book).

Exhibits (Please list all conferences and/or conventions where your book might advantageously be displayed).

Awards (Are there any awards for which you would like us to nominate your book?).

If there were only ONE key concept about the book that the cover should convey, what would that be?


Selling Your Book

List 3 selling points.

Advertising (Please list magazines and scholarly journals where notice of your book might be especially effective).

Text Adoption (Please list courses for which your book might be used as a text. (If your book is a textbook)).

Companies for which your book could be used for