PMU Press > Local Authorities Guidelines
Local Authorities Guidelines

Local Authorities Guidelines

  • Article six under the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Law of printed materials and publication [Royal Decree NoM/32] grants educational institutions the right to publish ‘Non- periodical materials’ such as books within the jurisdiction of law and under the responsibility of the University.
  • According to Royal Decree No. M/26 on 7/9/14, 12 A.H. any published or translated book in the KSA must seek a legal deposit number before publishing. Also, every publication will have its own unique International Standard Book Number ISBN (13 digits’ number) that facilitates its identification internationally.

Open Access Publication

  • Based on the agreement with prospective authors, PMUPress will make available selected published books online for readers across the world to access and download freely.

Contractual Agreement

  • Contractual Agreement between authors/ translators and the publisher will indicate the scope of  work that is required of each party and issues related to copy rights and intellectual properties and the royalty agreement.

Marketing and Distribution Strategies

   PMU Press Will:
  • Develop Promotional materials of the published and translated books.
  • Publicize PMU Press publications through conferences.
  • Identify national regional and International distributors and online stores.
  • Identify open Source publishing platforms.
  • Create a database for national, regional and international universities seeking nomination of manuscript /monographs’ and books for publication and translation.


  • To sustain the generated product and its original text formats, PMU library will take the responsibility of digitally archiving all products in various format for future reproductions.
  • To retrieve these products in a timely manner, a knowledge management system will be used for archiving the generated products and the original texts.