OSN caters to all disabilities such as, but not limited to:
- Learning disability, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), acquired brain injury, or a psychological disability.
- Deaf or hard of hearing
- Physical, visual or health-related disabilities
- Mobility disabilities, physical/sensory disability
- Temporary disability
Responsibility & Rights
OSN Responsibility & Rights
The OSN is a campus resource that assists faculty in meeting the academic accommodations mandated by university policy. When a student initiates a request for academic support services, it is the OSN’s responsibility to evaluate the documentation to determine how the disability impairs the student’s academic performance. Reasonable Academic, Physical, and Technological Services and accommodations are then provided for the documented limitations. Services will be arranged in the timeliest manner.
It is the OSN’s responsibility to maintain confidentiality of the student registered with the office. The student’s permission is needed before disclosing any information of the nature of the disability to faculty, staff or support services.
OSN staff will assist students to communicate to their professors, academic departments, and campus departments. This will mean interfacing with the faculty and departments on behalf of the student.
OSN reserves the right to require appropriate and professional documentation demonstrating the nature and extent of the functional limitations caused by the disability. OSN has the right to deny a request for accommodations for reasons such as failure to submit required documentation, or where the documentation does not indicate that the accommodations is necessary. OSN has the right to refuse a request for an unreasonable accommodations request or one which will change an essential element of the course or degree.
Student’s Responsibility & Rights
Students with disabilities attending PMU have the same rights, privileges, and opportunities as all students at PMU. It is the student’s responsibility to register with OSN and meet with the OSN staff to determine eligibility for the services. The eligibility is only the first step in acquiring the required support to be successful at PMU. The student must follow up each semester with the OSN staff to determine the accommodations required for that semester. The student must read and respond to all correspondence from the OSN. Time is of great essence and the student has the responsibility to communicate with the OSN with enough time prior to the implementation of the requested accommodations. The student must submit a class schedule identifying the course and instructor name to the OSN each semester.
OSN recommends that each student meets with their instructors. Even if the student wishes not to go into detail with their instructors about their disability, it is important that the instructor knows what the student needs, why the student needs it, and how the student’s needs will be met. OSN can meet with the student to discuss how to approach the instructor or they can approach the instructor on behalf of the student if the student is not comfortable discussing the matter with the instructor.
If the student is requesting a service that requires faculty involvement such as proctoring, then OSN requires that this be communicated to the faculty member the first two weeks of the semester. OSN will issue an email to the faculty member explaining the needs of the student. Concerned department chairs, deans, and other administrators will be copied on the email. The student must communicate with the concerned instructors two weeks prior to the implementation of the accommodations so that arrangements can be taken.
The student has the right to equal access to course, facilities, programs and activities. The student has the right to be protected from discrimination. The student also has the right to make decisions regarding the release of personal disability information. Finally, the student has the right to challenge decisions or submit complaint through the appeals process.
Faculty Responsibility & Rights
All PMU Faculty are very helpful and responsive to the student’s needs. They are also mandated by University policy to provide the student with equal access to quality education and co-curricular activities. If, however, the student finds that he/she is not receiving appropriate accommodations, then the student should contact the OSN staff immediately. The faculty member’s main responsibility is to provide the student with equal access to quality education and co-curricular activities.
The faculty member has the right to request assistance from the OSN staff and the academic department in providing services such as separate exams with extended time that require proctoring, the faculty member can request assistance to provide a proctor for the exam. The faculty member can also deny accommodations if it is not communicated to him/her at least two weeks prior to implementation.
Programs and Services
Academic Support Services are designed to provide equal access to quality education and co-curricular activities. Each service must be approved by the Dean of Student Affairs or his designate. Reasonable accommodations are provided to students with impairments that cause a material deficit in functioning, in comparison to most people.
Students requesting accommodations generally must submit documentation that clearly demonstrates that (1) the student has impairment, (2) the impairment causes a material functional deficit, and (3) the deficit is demonstrable by generally accepted measures, comparing the student to most people in the general population. Appropriate documentation must be provided done by a qualified professional and include diagnosis information as well as information about the functional limitations or deficit, and support the request for specific accommodations. OSN reserves the right to review the documentation by PMU qualified professionals and external consultants.
Physical/Sensory Disabilities:
Students with physical or sensory disabilities must submit medical documentation of their disability. The documentation required includes a diagnostic statement identifying the disability, description of diagnostic criteria and tests used, description of the functional limitations, description of the current treatment plan, and description of the recommended accommodations. The document must include the name, title, and contact information as well as the credentials of the evaluator such as licensure, certification, or professional training.
OSN independently evaluates the documentation to determine the necessary accommodations. Recommendation for accommodation made by the evaluator will be seriously considered but is not binding to OSN. OSN has the right to use an external consultant to review the documentation.
Psychological Disability:
Students with psychological disability should submit a document to the effect. The document should show the level of limitation the disability has on activities such as concentration, cognitive processing, memory, processing speed, meeting deadlines, attending class regularly, organization & time management, stress management, reasoning, communicating, sleeping, eating, social interaction, etc. The report should not be older than 6 months.
The document must include the evaluator’s name, title, contact information as well as the credentials of the evaluator.
OSN independently analyzes the data gathered by the psycho-educational testing to determine the necessary accommodations. Recommendation for accommodation made by the evaluator will be seriously considered but is not binding to OSN. OSN has the right to use an external consultant to review the documentation.
Temporary Disability:
Students with temporary disability have the same rights to accommodation as students with long term disability. Once a temporary disability is identified the student must request to meet with OSN staff to register. Proper documentation should be submitted from a health care professional. Temporary accommodations will be approved for a limited period of time based on the feedback received from the treating physician.
The Learning Disabilities Program:
Students with learning disabilities have processing disorders which affect the manner in which they take in information, organize it, retain it and express the knowledge and information which they have acquired. Although students with learning disabilities at PMU have intellectual abilities comparable to all other students, yet they have serious deficits in reading, spelling, written expression, and/or quantitative reasoning.
Students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have difficulty with concentration and attention, while students with acquired brain injuries may have difficulties with memory and conceptualization in specific areas.
Documentation is the key to determining the student’s accommodation needs. Documentation is usually the results of a psycho-educational testing, or, in some cases, a medical report. PMU may opt to conduct its own psycho-educational test on a student to verify documentation. Students must make an appointment with OSN staff as early as possible in the semester to determine the appropriate accommodations and prepare emails to instructors. OSN staff will be professionals that help the student develop specific learning strategies, such as time management and reading improvement. OSN will also provide peer mentoring opportunities, in addition to workshops, and support group meetings.
Mobility Assistance Program:
PMU campus in a disability friendly campus. Students with mobility needs can request proximate parking, if needed. Should any further assistance to be required, students should contact OSN immediately.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program:
Deaf students can receive note takers. Currently PMU is working towards providing service of real-time captioning or sign language interpreters but this service is currently not available. Deaf and hard of hearing students may qualify for extended time for exams.
The student may need alternative test-taking conditions to accommodate their disability. Examples may include extended time to complete the exams, a computer for essay exam writing formats, large print, braille, or quiet testing area. Test arrangement can be done by the faculty member or OSN. The alternative testing arrangements allow student to perform closer to their knowledge and ability and does not, in any way, compromise the testing process. The content of the exam is not changed to meet the disability.
Note taking:
Students with disabilities may require note taking services to compensate for their specific disability. Note takers are not a substitute for attending classes; students are still required to attend class regularly. If the student fails to attend class for a reason not related to his/her disability, the note taking service might be interrupted or withdrawn.
Student may need alternative access to printed material. Students with learning disabilities, visual, or other print impairment may need their reading material in alternative formats. Student are required to obtain books and reading materials that already available in other formats. Reader may be provided to tape the students printed materials.
Transcription assistance:
Transcription service can include providing students with paid software that provides this service. If the students disability hinders them from the use of such technology, then OSN can provide a transcriber to student who need a scribe to take down handwritten dictation or typing for assignments or exams.
Library Research Assistance:
The PMU library is committed to providing access to library materials, programs and services. However, should a more comprehensive and individualized approach be necessary for disability-related reasons, OSN can arrange for an assistant to help the student with the research.