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Course Catalog


GEEN 5301: Applied Mathematics for Engineers 3 (3,0):

Course involved Fourier analysis and Partial Differential Equations (PDE), Complex Numbers and Functions, Complex Integration, Power Series, Taylor Series, Laurant Series and Residue Integration, Complex Analysis to Potential Theory.

GEEN 5304: interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Seminar 3 (3,0):

Emphasis on research and writing strategies in proposing and completing an evidence-based academic paper. Drafting and revising thesis statements, literature reviews, sources citation in text. Selection of an appropriate research approach, and constructing a reference list in compliance with international manual style for students and researchers. The use of library in both traditional and electronic methods of finding and making use of evidence.  The background and foundations for writing the capstone proposal are provided.

EEEN 5352: Digital Control Systems - 3 (3,2):

Introduction to linear feedback control systems based on the state space model and state output feedback system design. Topics include: review of the linear spaces and operators, mathematical modeling, state space representation of canonical forms, controllability, observability, realization of transfer function, and solution of the state equation. Applications include: stability concepts and definitions of Lyapunov's Direct Method design.   Use of simulation software (e.g. MATLAB and LABVIEW)


EEEN 5320: Probability and Random Process - 3 (3,0):

Review of probability theory and random variables, discrete and continuous-time random processes, distribution functions, probability density functions, characteristic functions, Moments, conditional statistics, covariance function, mathematical description of random signals, concepts of stochastic process, stationary processes, filtering of random processes and sequences, correlation, power spectrum density, response of linear systems to random inputs, and mean square estimation.

EEEN 5322: Data Communications and Networking - 3 (3,0):

This course provides a foundation for modern telecommunications systems and computer networks. Topics include: network models and layered architectures, signals and information transmission, bandwidth and capacity, transmission media, modulation techniques, digitizing analog signals, multiplexing, circuit switching, link layer protocols, error detection and correction, data link control and protocols, Point to Point Access, Multiple Access, Local Area Networks, Wireless LANs and Network security, Inter networking, ISDN, addressing and routing.

EEEN 5331: Digital Signal Processing - 3 (3,2):

Presents the fundamental concepts and techniques of digital signal processing. Time domain operations and techniques include difference equations and convolution summation. Covers Z transform methods, frequency- domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, discrete Fourier transform, and fast Fourier transform. FIR and IIR filter design techniques: Windowing Techniques. Emphasizes the frequency response of discrete-time systems and the relationship to analog systems.


3.1 Communication Systems and Signal Processing Track

EEEN 6321: Digital Communication Systems - 3 (3,0):

Presents the theoretical and practical aspects of digital and data communication systems. Includes the modeling and analysis of information sources as discrete processes; basic source and channel coding; multiplexing and framing; spectral and time domain considerations related to ASK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK, FSK, MSK, and other techniques appropriate for communicating digital information in both baseband and band-pass systems, Performance measures: power, bandwidth, bit and symbol error rate, intersymbol interference; effects of noise on system performance; optimum systems; general M-ary digital systems in signal-space, and signal design for fading channel.

EEEN 6323: Advance Wireless Communication - 3 (3,0):

Provides advanced knowledge of wideband wireless communication techniques. It includes the areas of diversity: Time diversity, Space diversity, Frequency diversity; Wideband CDMA systems, Wideband OFDM systems, antenna arrays, MIMO techniques, spatial multiplexing, space-time processing and coding; and multiuser detection and receiver designs, multiple access and interference management. Use of simulation software (e.g. MATLAB and LABVIEW) and hardware.

EEEN 6332: Adaptive Signal Processing - 3 (3,0):

Concerned with estimating a signal of interest or the state of a system in the presence of additive noise, Wiener filters, and linear prediction, Steepest-descent and stochastic gradient algorithms. Frequency-domain adaptive filters. Concerned with the design, analysis, and application of recursive filtering algorithms that operate in an environment of unknown statistics. Content includes least mean-square (LMS) filters, recursive least-square (RLS) filters, and recursive least-squares lattice (LSL) filters. All are adaptive and self-designing. Includes concepts of convergence, tracking ability, and robustness.

EEEN 6333: Information Theory and Coding - 3 (3,0):

Presents information measures and channel capacity. Source coding. Rate-Distortion theory, Linear block codes, Cyclic codes, BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes, Convolutional codes, The Viterbi algorithm, Burst error correcting codes, Maximum likelihood decoding of Convolutional codes. Performance of block and Convolutional codes in additive white Gaussian channel. Trellis coded modulation. Use of simulation software (e.g. MATLAB and LABVIEW) and hardware.

EEEN6341: Antenna Theory and Design - 3 (3,0):

Antennas: Radiation from small antennas, linear antenna characteristics, arrays of antennas, impedance concepts and measurements, multi-frequency antennas, and aperture antennas

EEEN 6349: Special Topics in Communication & Signal Processing - 3 (3,0):

This course is delivered in light of the advent of new specializations in the field of Communication Systems and Signal Processing in addition to the availability of a faculty member in the required specialty. Independent study is part of the course.

3.2 Power System Track

EEEN 6353: Analysis and Control of Electrical Machines - 3 (3,0):

Steady-state and dynamic analysis of electrical machines: direct and quadrature axis transformation.  Linear and nonlinear state space representation. Regulation and control devices.  Simulation of electromechanical subsystems. Use of simulation Software (e.g ETAP …).

EEEN 6359: High-Voltage Technology and EMC - 3 (3,0):

Achieves an engineering appreciation of the more specialised areas of high voltage plant and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). On completion of the module a student should be able to develop an in-depth understanding of electric field stress distribution in high voltage plant and insulation systems and transients in power systems. It will cover the design and analysis of high voltage plant and systems using computer-based tools, classification of EMC problems, EMC modeling, and electromagnetic interference sources:  conductive, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic interference. Numerical procedures and methods for computation of EMC.

EEEN 6362: Power System Modeling and Analysis - 3 (3,0):

Fundamental concepts for modeling transmission lines, distribution lines, power system generators, power transformers and power system load. The method of symmetrical components. Simulation of power systems during normal and abnormal conditions.

EEEN 6366: Distribution System Design and Automation - 3 (3,0):

Gives students an understanding of the technical aspects of distribution system design and automation, and to provide a comprehensive covering on the latest developments in this area. It will cover design calculations and plant ratings, network automation, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Remote Telemetry Units (RTU) and communications technologies. It will also introduce the various types of distributed generation (DG) technologies, their advantages and future challenges, load flow studies with distributed generation, Impact of DG on power system protection and power quality and stability with DG.

EEEN 6368: Smart Grids and Renewable Electrical Energy Systems - 3 (3,0):

Introduces students to the renewable generating technologies for sustainable electrical energy systems and provides tools and techniques for integration of this distributed and renewable generation into the power system. It will cover Photovoltaic systems, system components, applications; grid connection, and system design. It will also introduce the concepts of smart grids. Use of appropriate software tools for modelling and simulation is required (e.g. MATALB, EMTP).

EEEN 6369: Special Topics in Power Systems 3 (3,0):

This course is delivered in light of the advent of new specializations in the field of Power System design in addition to the availability of a faculty member in the required specialty. Independent study is part of the course.