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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) can be characterized as all the solid waste that is generated by commercial or residential buildings. Commonly referred to as “trash” or “garbage,” it consists primarily of food, paper, and plastic waste. All three of these materials can either be recycled or repurposed for other uses, as opposed to being dumped in a landfill. In fact, there are many other applications for MSW that should be considered before dumping. Many countries have created legislation to ensure some of these alternatives are being put to use. More recently, environmental groups and government organizations throughout the world have collaborated to introduce a system of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM). This system ranks all methods of waste use in terms of desirability, with Waste Reduction as the most desirable and Disposal as the least. Introducing technologies for waste-to-energy conversion has created further opportunities, while also presenting its own set of challenges. Only some countries have begun to adopt a comprehensive ISWM system, but more countries are looking to improve in that regard. This research will focus on the waste management in the Greater Dammam Area in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. A study will be conducted on the existing waste management system in the area, looking into possible solutions to improve it.
The first objective of this study is to evaluate the current waste management system in Saudi Arabia a whole, including the study area. An additional review will be done regarding available waste disposal technologies. The second objective is to gather preliminary data to assess the level of public awareness regarding the issue of local waste management. This data can be used to determine different factors affecting municipal waste services in different parts of the Greater Dammam Area. The third objective is to forecast waste generation in the near future based on current data regarding population, per capita consumption, and waste composition. The final design objective is to forecast landfill surface area requirements as well as the potential for certain methods of energy recovery.