Academics > Undergraduate Degree Programs > College of Engineering > COE Departments > Civil Engineering > Senior Design Projects List > Comparative Design & Analysis of a Mosque Using Steel and Reinforced Concrete
Comparative Design & Analysis of a Mosque Using Steel and Reinforced Concrete

Project Overview

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been applying the Shari`ah of Islam, acting in accordance with the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, and making judgments based on Allah’s Shari`ah. It also strives to propagate and call people to Islam with wisdom and fair preaching. This is the essential cornerstone of its system, duties, and obligations, to which it pays due attention. The Basic Law of Saudi Arabia provides for deriving power from the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, which rule over this Law and all other laws of the Kingdom. It also stipulates that the Kingdom should protect the Islamic creed, apply the Shari`ah, enjoin good, forbid evil, and call people to Allah.The Sectors of Islamic Affairs, Da`wah, Guidance, and Endowments have been among the outstanding pillars and essential parts of the Kingdom. Since the foundations of the kingdom were laid by King `Abdul `Aziz Al Saud and his sons after him, the Kingdom has established, sponsored, supported, and developed large organizations for this purpose, flourishing in the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, his Crown Prince, and his Second Deputy Prime Minister. Subsequently wherever the Muslim's have gone, they built Mosques for their needs in that community and worship Allah. Moreover mosque indeed is a great example of traditional and long lasting buildings which civil engineers do best making a strong, stable, and sustainable buildings.

Through our civil engineering study at Prince Mohammed bin Fahd University, as well as taking the opportunity to apply what we have studied at the university level, we decided to choose the design of the mosque. We make Comparative Design & Analysis of a Mosque Using Steel and Reinforced Concrete Elements design and analysis ( figure 1), including calculation of the foundation. Our project covered by several programs such as Etabs2015, Sap2000, AutoCAD, SkiCiv, LimCon, and steel connections.

Project Objectives

The project is composed by the following stages or parts:
  1. To apply all theories that have been learned "in all structural courses" to this Project.
  2. To learn how to design a building from A to Z and passing through all design stages.
  3. To be familiar with other elements that is used in real life and wasn’t learned in the courses.

Final Report

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