About PMU > Governance > The President's Message

The President's Message

Dear PMUers,

It is my pleasure to address you today as we foresee another successful chapter for PMU with the contribution of all PMUers at all levels. I particularly want to share important educational values that continue to shape the educational philosophy of our institution. Today, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to take over the international scene as it reaches unprecedented heights and seems to have important repercussions on our mission as educators. As technology continues to advance and revolutionize the way we live and work, we are imperatively required to ponder on its implications for education and the future of our university.

AI presents exciting opportunities for education, as it offers new ways to enhance learning experiences and promote student achievement. AI tools can personalize learning by tailoring content and feedback to individual needs, providing instant responses to students and identifying areas where they require additional support. It can also help educators automate otherwise tedious or time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and innovative teaching practices.

AI also raises important questions and challenges. One of which is imagining the future we are preparing our youth for; preparing students for jobs and professions that do not yet exist requires new ways of evaluating curricula and student success; it requires us to reinvent the ways we support students for lifelong learning and development. We recognize that information is now widely available and accessible, therefore, we emphasize that we identify our institutor as a learning not teaching environment. However, we need to reinvent the ways to equip our students with competencies as lifelong-learners, able to navigate change and adapt to it. Does this require a structured curriculum? Is education today moving away from textbooks to a more open course model? How do we maintain stringent accreditation criteria and allow innovation in education and learning?

In the light of all these changes, I proudly evoke the new majors announced at PMU at this very moment. We are now offering UG programs in Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing and Digital Media and Chemical Engineering.

As we continue to seek ways to make our youth more future-prepared and relevant and for this purpose, I encourage you all to share views and contribute to the vast prospects of our educational mission.
