About PMU > Governance > Faculty Senate Constitution

Faculty Senate Constitution


PMU established an advisory body known as The Faculty Senate. The Senate consists of members elected by the faculty of the University. It represents the faculty to the University Administration, and addresses issues of importance to the University in general and to the faculty at large.

Article (I): Name

The name of the body shall be PMU Faculty Senate.

Article (II): Membership

  1. The PMU Faculty Senate Members shall be elected from the faculty body at PMU.
  2. For the purpose of this Constitution, the faculty body includes all full time instructors/Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors.
  3. Faculty body excludes the following:

    Vice Presidents, Dean of Faculty Affairs, College Deans, Director of the Preparatory Program, Chairs and Associate Chairs.

  4. The membership of the Sanate should reflect the diversity of the PMU campus. The membership should include male and female faculty so that each College/Program will be represented by one male and one female faculty.

Article (III): Elections

  1. Elections shall be held on an annual basis. Elections shall be conducted during the first month of the Fall Semester.
  2. An Election Committee shall be composed by the PMU management at the beginning of the Fall Semester.
  3. The Election Committee shall supervise the election of the Faculty Senate members and consequently the Officers of the Faculty Senate.

Article (IV): Officers

  1. The Officers of the Faculty Senate shall be a chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a secretary.
  2. These Officers shall be elected by a majority of the members of the newly constituted Senate. Each Officer shall serve in office until new Senate is elected by the faculty.
  3. Election of Officers shall be run by the Chairperson of the Election Committee or a designated representative.

Article (V): Senate Committee

  1. There shall be two kinds of Committee, standing and ad hoc Committees.
  2. All Committees of the Senate shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
  3. The notices of appointment shall include definition of the duties and responsibilities of the respective committees.
  4. The tenure of the Standing Committee coincide with the tenure of the Chairperson of the Senate.

Article (VI): Powers and Jurisdiction

  1. The Senate may make recommendations to the President, or to any other administrative official via the President, on matters of general University concern.
  2. The Senate may also communicate directly with the Vice Presidents, Dean of Faculty Affairs, Academic Deans, Dean of Student Affairs or any other senior University Administrator, with notification to the President, on any matters of general University concern.
  3. The Senate reserves the right to review any actions taken by any division of the University which may affect the faculty in particular and the University at large and make recommendations to the President concerning these actions.
  4. If any action taken by PMU Management is not acceptable to the Senate, the Senate shall have the right of appeal to the VP of Academic Affairs. The VP of Academic Affairs will ordinarily respond to the appeal from the Senate within one week of receiving it. It is the duty of the Chairman of the Senate to follow up with the VP for Academic Affairs if no response is received from the VP of Academic Affairs after one week, then the appeal can be forwarded to the President with reasons explained.

Article (VII): Meetings

  1. Regular Meetings:

    The Faculty Senate shall meet regularly during the academic year. The calendar of meetings for the academic year shall be adopted in the first meeting. Meetings shall be called by the Chairperson of the Senate.

  2. Special Meetings:

    Whenever required special meetings of the Faculty Senate can be called by the Chairperson.
    The special meetings must be called by the Chairperson upon the petition of a majority of the members of the Senate.

  3. A meeting of the entire faculty will be held at least once a semester, for reporting and presenting to the faculty matters of concern.

    Notice of the meeting will be distributed to the faculty in a week prior to the meeting.

  4. A majority of the members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting at any meeting where there is a quorum shall constitute the act of the Faculty Senate.

Article (VIII): Senate Rules and Procedures

The Senate shall be the sole determiner of its own rules and procedures, provided that these rules and procedures are consistent with this Constitution and the University Policies, rules and regulations.

Article (IX): Share in University Governance

  1. The Chairperson of the Senate will be a member of the University Council.
  2. Member of the Senate will be member in the Council of their respective Colleges/Preparatory Program.