The Board of Trustees meets at least twice in an academic year. Meetings take place
with the quota of two third of the members. Resolutions are ratified become effective
on the date of ratification, unless they relate to the appointment of a President or
a vice president, or a dean or a vice dean. Resolutions pertaining to the university
system or to academic affairs are transmitted to the Minister; they become effective
if no objection is received from the Minister within a month a transmission. If
the Minister disapproves a resolution, the Board will reconsider and, in cases where
the resolution is maintained, the matter is referred to the Ministry of Higher Education.
The Board of Trustees is established with a decree from the Minister for a three-year
period of time, with the following constituents:
- The President.
- Five faculty members from PMU or from other higher education institutions. These members have the minimum status of associate professors and are selected by the Minister.
- A representative from the Ministry of Higher Education.
- Twelve members selected by the “Educational Services Company” in the Eastern Province. These members cannot have the status of neither PMU founders nor PMU employees. At least two members in this category are, or were faculty members in a higher education institution.
The number of members in the Board of Trustees can be increased when needed, with a decree from the Minister. The Board selects one of its members as a chair, and another as a deputy chair. The President cannot occupy any of the two positions.