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About Student Affairs


The Division of Student Affairs plays a supportive role in assisting PMU to develop as a learning-centered university. It develops co-curricular activities for students designed to assist in their mastery of the six distinctive PMU competencies. It provides services in counseling, health care, and career services in order to promote student success. The division also encourages students to play a major role in developing activities and organizations and strives to engage students in other ways to enhance critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork.


The mission of the Division of Student Affairs is to foster student learning and development by providing highest quality programs and services that enhance students' educational experiences and that prepare students to be contributing members of a global community.


The Division of Student Affairs
  • Seeks ways to engage students in university programs and activities.
  • Develops programs and strategies that support classroom learning and foster students’ attainment of the six core competencies: communication, technological competence, critical thinking and problem solving, professional competence, leadership and teamwork.
  • Provides various venues that help PMU achieve its goal of transforming the student into a “whole person,” with respect for the Saudi culture and values, as well as respect for himself/herself and others.
  • Develops partnerships with Saudi Arabian businesses and agencies in order to provide mentoring to students as they enter the university, as well as to create internships, works/study positions and eventually professional positions for PMU graduates.
  • Works diligently to assure that PMU students receive good health care, and are encouraged to maintain mental and physical wellness, which are positive traits for professionals who will contribute greatly to their communities.