About LAW :: College of LAW :: Academics :: PMU, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

Law is highly relevant to the market needs and the continuous developments in society. Acquiring strong legal knowledge and the capacity to ‘think as a lawyer’ enables graduates to develop a career path in various areas, not only as a practicing advocate. Law graduates can also pursue career paths in the private and public sector as managers, clerks, law enforcement agents, and other positions. Studying law also develops the students’ commitment to justice, equality, and community service.

Therefore, law is appealing to those who desire to develop a wide range of thinking and analytical skills and a good understating of different facets of human life. This is because law intersects with various disciplines and looks at different aspects of human relations and activities.

Studying law at PMU, in particular, offers students with a rich learning experience that helps them make most of student life and legal knowledge. With a bilingual law program that focuses on Saudi law but also international and comparative approaches to law, students are trained to deal with law in domestic and international contexts. A number of courses help the students to examine the law in its social and economic context, and develops the interpersonal and communications skills required for lawyers to negotiate, mediate, and argue professionally.

The law program admits male and female students. The Law program contributes to preparing female lawyers to participate in the legal profession, especially with recent reforms that have increased the access of women to the legal practice.

Considerably, attorneys who fluently speak both Arabic and English can act as an integral interface between Saudi Arabia and the West to ensure that the Saudi economic national self interest is maintained while dealing with international trade and transactions. Bilingual graduates of the proposed program will act as a valuable link between Saudi Arabia and the West to ensure that the values, ethics and soul of the country remains the same while abiding by the laws and regulations of globalization. The inevitable and unavoidable participation of Saudi Arabia in the process of international trade and investment necessitates the induction of bilingual Saudi Lawyers and legal consultants with a sense of justice and responsiveness to the needs and demands of the Saudi culture and economy. That is, due to globalization, with its pros and cons of the integration of economic, political and socio-cultural systems across the globe, it is more important than ever before to well prepare Saudi lawyers
  • who are sensitive to the needs and demands of the Saudi culture and economy;
  • who care about obtaining the best deals for their country in the global marketplace;
  • who care about the economic growth and prosperity of their homeland.

PMU bilingual skilled lawyers will strive to bridge the gap of understanding between the developing world, the west and the GCC nations by bringing a keen sense of awareness to the results of profound and rapid technological and economic progress to the country.

In this regard, legal consultants are needed to provide investors with an understanding of the available national and international investment opportunities. PMU’s bilingual law graduates, with a comprehensive education in the legal environment of business, can ultimately fulfill this niche. Significantly, due to the globalization of trade, a process of interaction and integration among nations and people from different cultures has evolved and took forms of treaties. This process implies a necessity to have lawyers who are well versed in both English and Arabic and proficient in International Law, Constitutional Law, and Comparative Law. This new dynamic generation of attorneys that PMU aspires to generate will not only draft, evaluate, and align international agreements with national policies but will also monitor the ratified international covenants to avoid any violations by the member states.

In addition, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are increasingly expanding their scope and power to establish their own regulations across the world. Organizations such as: International Committee of the Red Cross, World Trade Organization, and Amnesty International try to influence states to adhere to their ‘universal laws.’ This adherence to new codes of conduct are expected and aspired to be scrutinized and monitored by efficient bilingual state attorneys. Also important to consider is the speed with which the technological advancement is modifying our cultural fabric and the way we live and think. Technology affects every aspect of our professional and private lives; e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Education, and e-Media require well-thought out contracts. Every nation needs to develop legal guidelines to evaluate and subsequently, either curb an adverse technology or remove legal hurdles for the desirable ones.