Know and apply the design process in the development of interior environments.
Explain and apply the principles and elements of design as well as theories of color and light.
Discover the variety of materials and products available for interior environments, know how they are fabricated, installed and maintained, evaluate the products for appropriate performance for a particular use, plan furniture, fixture and equipment layouts and, prepare material, furniture, fixture and equipment specifications.
Plan environmental systems and controls that consider adequate indoor air quality, acoustic control, thermal and lighting design.
Know, plan and design interior vertical circulation, structural, non-structural, and distribution building systems while evaluating the connection between furniture and all interior building systems.
Produce interior environments that demonstrate competency in barrier-free or universal design, understanding of International Green Construction Codes and application of International Building Codes.
Recognize the role of evidence-based research and know the process of effectively applying valid research outcomes to the solution of interior design problems.