
Each program in the College of Engineering will conduct an assessment process that produces documented results. This process will demonstrate that the outcomes important to the mission of the college and the objectives of the program are being accomplished. The evidence of the assessment will consist of the following:

  • Student Portfolios: In order to demonstrate progress, students will keep a portfolio of their tests, papers, design reports, and other course assignments. The portfolio will be evaluated at various stages in the course.

  • Internationally Normed Subject Content Examinations: Each student will take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination (or equivalent) during the fall semester of the senior year. Alternatively, the College of Engineering may choose to prepare its own exit examination.
    This examination will be compulsory, and the results will be recorded on transcripts. Students must achieve a passing score of 70 or better in order to graduate. A student who does not pass the examination will be required to take review sessions or courses to prepare for repeating the exam during the spring semester. A student may attempt the exam three times (original test and two repeats) with permission of the Chair of the student’s major department.

  • Alumni Surveys: The College will survey a sample of alumni every two years to document professional accomplishments and career development activities.

  • Employer Surveys: The College will survey employers of PMU engineering graduates to determine how the graduates are performing and to obtain suggestions for improvement.

  • Student Surveys and Exit Interviews: The college will survey graduating students concerning their likes and dislikes in their education. The department chairman also will interview students in order to gather information about their experience and suggestions for improvement.

  • Placement Data of Graduates: The College will maintain placement data of all students in order to determine each professional field’s need for graduates.

  • Metric Norms for Learner Outcomes: The College will assess outcomes for each course by establishing metric norms that students should meet on their examinations and in their reports.